Previous exhibitors and concessionaires are given consideration on an annual basis and may be invited to contract for the same space. New applicants are selected based on the uniqueness of the product/service, appearance of the display and availability of space. Applications will be held on file year after year, and reviewed each year pending availability. All applications will receive due consideration. Exhibit selection will begin in January and continues through the summer.
Please note:
- Professionally built displays
- Display cases and/or solid counters
- Back and Side Hard walls
- Professionally Signage
- Indirect Lighting
- All vendor and exhibit spaces MUST offer credit and debit capabilities for customers at all
register and transaction locations.
- All vendor and exhibit spaces must be manned for the entire 17 days of the Fair, from 10am to 10pm.
Please Send Samples of your Products to the address below:Attention Sales Department
Eastern States Exposition
1305 Memorial Ave.
West Springfield, MA. 01089